Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Our First Week in Pre-K

It has been a busy week at Pre-K!  We are practicing walking quietly in a line and eating in the cafeteria.  We are also learning the rules and routines of the classroom.  We are holding our "Quiet Critters" during story time so we can sit quietly on the reading carpet.  We also explored the puzzle, math, science, block, and reading centers.  Everyone is doing a great job tidying up after center time!  I look forward to a wonderful school year!    


  1. Elizabeth has explained to me that Mrs. Smith and "Mrs. Trell" are very nice and nobody EVEN gets time out! She's very impressed!

  2. We have a GREAT group of students this year! : )

  3. I LOVE to hear all about Kasyn's day when he gets home. He always has the funniest things to say about the stuff he has learned. I look forward to 2:15 everyday :)

  4. Mrs. Jones,
    Thank you for viewing the class blog! This page will be a wonderful way for Kasyn to revisit his day in Pre-K!

  5. I am having a question is the Parent Orientation only for Parents or can kids come too? I am always excited too when Heidi comes home and she tells me about school.

  6. Pre-K Orientation is for parents and children! This is going to be a great time for Heidi to really show-off her classroom. She is going to give you a tour of her room and show you all of the artwork that is on display! I am so happy that Heidi is excited to come to school! : )
